This is the new logo re-designed, along with a website to promote our business for this project.
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Monday, 13 June 2011
Cancer research.
There are two types of skin caner which is malignant melanoma and non-melanoma.
According to research, each year 1 in every 10,000 people in the UK will develop a new case of malignant melanoma in which accounts for about 1500 deaths in the UK, yearly.
According to research, each year 1 in every 10,000 people in the UK will develop a new case of malignant melanoma in which accounts for about 1500 deaths in the UK, yearly.
What is malignant melanoma?
Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in the skin's 'pigmentation system', ie the skin layer that becomes tanned in the summer.
Melanomas usually start in moles or in areas of normal-looking skin. In rare cases the tumour may begin in the eyes, the respiratory passage, the intestine, or the brain.
Malignant melanoma is a very dangerous type of cancer, and the patient's chances of survival often depend on early discovery and treatment.
What causes skin cancer?
Skin cancer is caused by exposure to sunlight, particularly the ultraviolet (UV) rays, and 80 per cent of cases are therefore preventable.
The risk of developing skin cancer is increased following episodes of sunburn, although the there may be a delay of many years before the cancer appears.
A small number of cases are caused by hereditary conditions, but they are also triggered by exposure to sun rays. Sunbeds can also cause skin cancer.
What are the symptoms of skin cancer?
- The colour of the tumours vary from brown or black to blue or orange.
- The tumours are characterised by having ragged edges and uneven colours.
- Off-shots, sores, crusts, and reddening may be seen in the area surrounding the mole.
- The tumour may resemble a 'blood blister' under a nail.
- The mole may itch.
- Moles can be found anywhere on the body, but are typically located on the back, the shoulders, or the back of the legs.
What are the warning signs?
- An existing mole changes in colour or shape, or begins to bleed or ooze. Sores that heal very slowly may appear on the mole.
- Moles that have become unusually large or raised above the skin or more than one colour.
- 'Blood blisters' especially under toenails, that are not the result of a blow.
- The appearance of a new irregular mole (it is quite normal for people to develop new moles from time to time until they reach their 40s. There is no need to worry unless the colour of the new mole is uneven, or its edges are ragged). If you are in any doubt, ask your GP to check.
- Any unusual sore, lump or blemish lasting more than a few weeks.
- Areas of skin that become scaly, itchy, tender or red, or areas that ooze, bleed or become crusty.
What can be done to prevent skin cancer?
- Avoid excessive exposure to the sun, especially the midday sun (from 11am to 2pm).
- Move into the shadow and have a 'siesta' instead.
- Clothing and sun hats can protect the skin from the harmful rays. It's especially important to cover the skin from 11am to 2pm.
- Children must be protected from sunburn.
- Consult your doctor if you have sores that will not heal or unusual changes in a mole.
How is skin cancer diagnosed?
Skin cancer can be difficult to recognise, so a biopsy is usually performed. The tissue is then examined under a microscope.
- Some GPs can perform the biopsy in the surgery, but it's usually performed by a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.
- The doctor will also look for signs indicating that the cancer has spread to the surrounding tissue or lymph nodes.
- Skin cancer requires hospital treatment.
Future prospects
It is important that the cancer be detected as early as possible.
The patient's chances of being cured largely depend on how early the treatment is started. If the disease is not treated, it will cause death.
How is skin cancer treated?
- Surgery is the standard treatment for mole cancer. The extent of the procedure is determined by the thickness of the tumour, ie how deeply it has invaded the skin.
- It is necessary to remove not only the tumour, but also some of the normal skin around it, and the fatty tissue beneath it.
- Interferon may be given after surgery to reduce the risk of the melanoma returning. It is usually given by injection three times a week and can be self-administered.
If there are signs that the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, these will also be removed, if it is technically possible.
- Medical treatment is used in cases where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and surgery is not possible. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also be used. These treatments are carried out by specialists in a hospital.
Festivals still booming.
Each year, festivals continue to boom with promising music from well known artists every year it goes on. Between June and September, every weekend is jammed pack with a number of events ranging from gigs to boutique gatherings. The biggest festivals are Galastonbury, Reading and V which are very well known for celebs.
Each year, festivals continue to boom with promising music from well known artists every year it goes on. Between June and September, every weekend is jammed pack with a number of events ranging from gigs to boutique gatherings. The biggest festivals are Galastonbury, Reading and V which are very well known for celebs.
The presentation.
This is the presentation at our Uni to present our enterprise and entrepreneurship:
Hi, we are SUNBASE and we’d like to present to you a service which we believe will encourage in particular young people to take more care when exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun.
Our unique service offers a BASE at festivals, in which festival- goers can receive an all-over application of sun cream, in specially designed tents for both men and women.
Over the last twenty-five years, rates of skin cancer in Britain have risen faster than any of the top ten cancers in males and females.
More than two young adults are diagnosed with this every day in the UK, and it is the second most common cancer in this age group.
We asked people of different ages about their sun cream routines. This table displays the number of people in each age group who top up their sun cream the recommended once every two hours.
The results show that on average, a mere 12% of 16-24 year olds follow this recommended guideline.
These results inspired the creation of SUNBASE: a service to be offered at major music festivals. SUNBASE is a 10 by 12ft tent encompassing two separate sections for men and women.
Each section contains 5 individual spray tents, operated by friendly festival volunteers, in which customers have the opportunity to receive an all over sun cream spray in exchange for £5.00.
SUNBASE will feature at four of the top music festivals in which more than a million people flock to each summer, to encourage young people to stay protected against the sun.
Customers will not need to worry about missing their favourite acts, because SUNBASE features a large flat screen TV, displaying all of the live action on stage.
They will also have to chance to rehydrate themselves with fresh bottles of water sold at the price of £2.00 each.
So, why not just take a bottle of sun cream with you? Well, with the special Riemann’s P20 formula, there is only need for one single application to last you almost the entire day.
So it saves you from carrying around extra unnecessary weight, leaving you free to enjoy the festival without having to worry about topping up every two hours or getting sunburnt.
Our unique service offers a BASE at festivals, in which festival- goers can receive an all-over application of sun cream, in specially designed tents for both men and women.
Over the last twenty-five years, rates of skin cancer in Britain have risen faster than any of the top ten cancers in males and females.
More than two young adults are diagnosed with this every day in the UK, and it is the second most common cancer in this age group.
We asked people of different ages about their sun cream routines. This table displays the number of people in each age group who top up their sun cream the recommended once every two hours.
The results show that on average, a mere 12% of 16-24 year olds follow this recommended guideline.
These results inspired the creation of SUNBASE: a service to be offered at major music festivals. SUNBASE is a 10 by 12ft tent encompassing two separate sections for men and women.
Each section contains 5 individual spray tents, operated by friendly festival volunteers, in which customers have the opportunity to receive an all over sun cream spray in exchange for £5.00.
SUNBASE will feature at four of the top music festivals in which more than a million people flock to each summer, to encourage young people to stay protected against the sun.
Customers will not need to worry about missing their favourite acts, because SUNBASE features a large flat screen TV, displaying all of the live action on stage.
They will also have to chance to rehydrate themselves with fresh bottles of water sold at the price of £2.00 each.
So, why not just take a bottle of sun cream with you? Well, with the special Riemann’s P20 formula, there is only need for one single application to last you almost the entire day.
So it saves you from carrying around extra unnecessary weight, leaving you free to enjoy the festival without having to worry about topping up every two hours or getting sunburnt.
These tents were designed by Rosie who is the CEO of our group SUNBASE. We thought it would be a good idea to set up these tents where the spray cream could possibly take place. It's more convenient to younger people because they are the ones that may be unaware of protection of their skin.
Promoting P20 Riemanns
As a group, we have decided to promote a suncream product called P20 Riemanns which will be sold at music festivals such as Glastonbury etc. The way in which we are contemplating in pursuing this idea is that we want to get a wholesale spray tanning tents and instead of using this for spray tanning, this will be used for spraying the suncream.
We chose the P20 product because it's specially designed to make sure that this product is a one day application, which lasts the whole day. And it's convenient for festival goers.

We chose the P20 product because it's specially designed to make sure that this product is a one day application, which lasts the whole day. And it's convenient for festival goers.

Sunburn causes:
Being sunburnt results from too much sun exposure. Most people has been sunburnt at some point in their life due to being out in the sun for too much. This means anyone who goes to the beach, fishing, working in the yard and going on holiday etc.
Sunburn is a burn of your skin which peels. It's a ultra-violet radiation and the result of this burn is because the skin has has inflammation.
Sunburn is a burn of your skin which peels. It's a ultra-violet radiation and the result of this burn is because the skin has has inflammation.
- UVA and UVB refer to different wavelengths in the light spectrum. UVB is more damaging to the skin especially for skin cancer. Both UVA and UVB are responsible for photoaging (premature aging of the skin and wrinkles) and sunburn. Tanning beds produce both UVA and UVB rays.
- Travel to the southern United States, regions close to the equator, and places at high altitudes all offer the unwary visitor an opportunity to be injured by sunburn.
- Certain light-skinned and fair-haired people are at greater risk of sunburn injury.
- Prior recent sun exposure and prior skin injury are risks for sunburn, even in limited exposure to the sun. However, normal limited exposure to UV radiationproduces beneficial vitamin D in the skin
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